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During an energy medicine session, we work on amplifying your auric field for protection, increasing your energy vibration for vitality, and clearing away any low or discordant energy to allow space to call in higher purpose and healing. Using my hands, healing crystals, singing bowls, and other ritual tools, I will intuitively scan your energy field for visceral cues on blocks and other challenges you have existing in your energy body. Together through the exchange of healing energy, purposeful movement, and ritual tools, we will clear away these blockages & increase your energy vibration, which will leave you feeling balanced and aligned. Following the healing, we will sit down to discuss ways to implement various spiritual practices, best suited to your energy vibration, that will assist you in tapping into your truth, power, and highest purpose. I invite you to take this healing journey with me that will ultimately lead to a homecoming to your highest most authentic and aligned spiritual self.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes are needed to complete the healing session and spiritual mentoring conversation.

Initial Energy Medicine Session: $200+tax

Follow Up Energy Medicine Session: $150+tax

Private Light Wave Experience Add On: $45+tax

Intuitively Selected Hapé Medicine Add On: $45+tax



This one of a kind small group experience is not currently available anywhere else outside of the UK until NOW! The GoldenLine is excited to bring this new meditation experience to Canada.

Activate your inner peace and explore altered states of consciousness through the Liba flashing light therapy. We will guide you through an immersive and deep dive journey into the qualia of your consciousness, through ‘pineal gland activation light’ and meaningful holistic practices.

How does it work?

LiBa-magnify is in theory  Binaural Beats for your eyes. The LED lights flicker at a specific frequency to which the user’s brainwaves synchronize. This induced state will trigger a range of meditative trance states (altered states of consciousness). The user enters a journey, as the brain’s normal waking (beta) state shifts to either a relaxed (alpha) state or a meditative (theta) state. It is a simple and effective way to teach your brain and body relaxation without experience in meditation.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes

Cost: $85

Private closed circles are available to book upon request. For a private group experience please email me at:



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Lunar sacred circles are an opportunity to come together as a spiritual community to ebb and flow with the cycles of the moon. Each sacred circle is unique and intuitively curated to match the energy of the current astrological positions and lunar cycle. During a Lunar circle we explore how to stay in alignment with the current energy, and use a mix of techniques such as; breath work, energy healing, purposeful movement, and guided meditation. Various topics that are explored may include the chakra system, grounding techniques, energy meridians, releasing discordant energy, and healing through the use life-force energy.

Duration: 2 HOURS




Meet Rick Dean, our lead ceremony facilitator and medicine carrier. He is a soulful individual with a sincere passion for spiritual growth and healing. Rick finds solace and inspiration in the beauty of nature and the wonders of the universe. This fascination with the unseen led him to delve into various spiritual practices, modern wisdom, and alternative healing modalities such as Kambo , Nunu, Hapé, and Sananga.

His heart-driven mission centers on using sacred medicines to support our community in healing their wounds, and encouraging them to rediscover their strength and vulnerability. Rick is an IASP certified Kambo practitioner, by which he received his warrior initiation with the medicine; and has therefore been granted the privilege of carrying the sacred medicines Kambo and Nunu. His goal as a medicine carrier is to guide others into a journey of deep remembrance, re-connection with the earth and their divine nature.

To book a 1:1 ceremony with Rick or to find out more information regarding his offerings , please email him directly at Group Ceremony opportunities will be posted to the scheduling page as they become available. Information and pricing for group ceremonies is also available by contacting Rick via email.

Duration: Varies depending on Ceremony

Cost: Kambo 1:1 Ceremony ($250) Hapé 1:1 Ceremony ($150) Group Hapé Ceremony ($120)



Couple’s Reconnective Workshops & Ceremonies

Marriage Ceremonies- Accepting clients for 2024/2025: Please email for more information regarding this service.