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The GoldenLine Spiritual Studio is more than a business; it is the culmination of a life’s journey toward spiritual self-actualization.

I feel certain that it is my dharmic purpose to commit my life to the spiritual service of my community. I have a deep desire to assist others in living a spiritually connected life and hope to aid in raising the collective consciousness and vibration of my community. 

I have spent the better part of my life examining different modes of spirituality, mysticism, and religion. I attended York University for eight years, where I obtained a Specialized Honours Degree in Religious Studies and a Master’s Degree in Eastern Religious Traditions, Mysticism, and Metaphysical Philosophy. 

Next, I turned my attention towards creating my own unique expression of spirituality. I became formally trained as a Master Reiki practitioner, studied shamanic and vibrational energy healing, as well as various meditation techniques. In my daily life and practice I continuously study metaphysical teachings and commit myself to various spiritual practices such as kundalini yoga, mindfulness, chanting, meditation, tarot & divination. I have a deep connection to my spiritual teacher and guru Baba Ram Dass, and continuously work on self and soul realization through dissolving of the ego and merging with the oneness of the divine universe.

At The GoldenLine Spiritual Studio I aim to create opportunities for both the individual and the community to begin or continue their journey towards connecting with their highest, most authentic spiritual self. Whether that be through vibrational healing, spiritual mentoring, connecting with healing crystals, consciously minded workshops, or group heal classes; I encourage each person to connect with and use their own deep source of divine wisdom, truth, and strength to find spiritual ascension. 

I am a graduate of The Metaphysical Church of Canada which endows me with the rights and privileges of an ordained Metaphysical Reverend. I believe this title will allow me to guide my community in a spiritually conscious and inclusive manner from the beginning to the end of life. I am truly humbled to be able to offer my community baby naming celebrations, marriage ceremonies, end of life care, home funerals and celebration of life services.

I am grateful to every soul who joins me on this journey and supports my passion to live a life in spiritual service to all. 

Love & Light, 


Work with me

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Metaphysical Reverend

Liba Light Machine

Breath-Work Facilitation

Energy Healing


follow us on Instagram @_thegoldenline